Oraties & afscheidsredes



Naam en titel

19 januari 2023

Professor Meik Franke (S&T)

Professor of Process Design and Optimization at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: Challenges in Process Optimization for the Transformation of the Chemical Industry.

23 februari 2023

Professor Christian Nijhuis (S&T)

Professor of Hybrid Materials for OptoElectronics at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: Hybrid materials for optoelectronics: Intelligent molecular materials.

2 maart 2023

Professor Carine Doggen (BMS)

Professor of Data Driven Health Service Research at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: Klinisch relevante vraagstellingen en passende onderzoekdesigns.

16 maart 2023

Professor Harald Vonkeman (BMS)

Professor in Patiëntgerichte Gezondheidstechnologie at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: Patiëntgericht Gezondheidstechnologie.

23 maart 2023

Professor Louise Knight (BMS)

Professor of Public Sector & Healthcare Procurement at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: Future procurement: We need to talk about markets.

24 maart 2023

Professor Markus Berger (ET)

Professor of Multidisciplinary Water Management at the Faculty of Engineering Technology

Title: Carbon Neutral, Water Positive, and Free Ice Cream for All.

6 april 2023

Professor Mathieu Odijk (EEMCS)

Professor of Micro-and Nanodevices for chemical analysis at the Faculty of Electric Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)

Title: Inspiration- the fuel that fires sciences and education.

13 april 2023

Professor Alexander van Deursen (BMS)

Professor of Optical Sciences at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: Digital Inclusion Paradox.

20 april 2023

Professor Herman Offerhaus (S&T)

Professor of Digital Inequality at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: In a different light.

1 juni 2023

Professor Anthony Thornton (ET)

Professor of Granular Materials at the Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET)

Title: The perfect blind.

15 juni 2023

Professor Giancarlo Guizzardi (EEMCS)

Professor of Granular Materials at the Faculty of Electric Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)

Title: Meaningful Computing.

7 september 2023

Professor Gertjan Koster (S&T)

Professor of Physics of Inorganic Nano Materials at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: Nanolaagjes uit Twente. Kiek’n wat’t wot.

21 september 2023

Professor Mark Huijben (S&T)

Professor of Nanomaterials for Energy Conversion and Storage at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: Charge the Future: Atomic Control in Energy Storage.

28 september 2023

Professor David Marpaung (S&T)

Professor of Nonlinear Nanophotonics at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: And light said, “Let there be Sound”.

12 oktober 2023

Professor Matthijs Noordzij (BMS)

Professor of Health Psychology & Persuasive Technology at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: Wearables: Compassionate Technology or Stress Trigger”.

19 oktober 2023

Professor Thijs Veugen (EEMCS)

Professor of Applied Cryptography at the Faculty of Electric Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)

Title: Unlocking the fascinating secrets of cryptography.

26 oktober 2023

Professor Gabriëlle Tuijthof (ET)

Professor of Biomedical Device Design and Production Technology at Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET)

Title: Integratie van ob- en subjectiviteit

3 november 2023

Professor Cristian Hesselman (EEMCS)

Professor of Trusted Open Networking at the Faculty of Electric Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)

Title: Trust in transit: Internet security for the next generation.

23 november 2023

Professor Maarten Bonnema (ET)

Professor of Systems Engineering and multidisciplinary Design at Faculty of Engineering Technology (ET)

Title: Complex tasks – simple tools.

7 december 2023

Professor Pepijn Pinkse (S&T)

Professor of Adaptive Quantum Optics at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: Light on Quantum Technology.

15 december 2023

Professor Erik Koffijberg (BMS)

Professor of Technology Assessment, of Digital Health Innovations at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: Impact van digitale zorginnovaties: optimalisatie door simulatie.



Naam en titel

15 september 2023

Professor Julius Vancso (S&T)

Professor at the Faculty of Science and Technology (S&T)

Title: My Journey with polymers: Past, Present, and Future.

10 november 2023

Professor Ton de Jong (BMS)

Professor at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: A Journey over three-decades.

24 november 2023

Professor Franciska de Jong (EEMCS)

Professor at the Faculty of Electric Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS)

Title: Transitions in language technology as a reflection of societal change.

8 december 2023

Professor Joy Clancy (BMS)

Professor at the Faculty of Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences (BMS)

Title: The long and winding road: Reflections on developments with gender and energy research.