Onze stakeholders

Het waardecreatiemode specificeert hoe de UT waarde creëert met onze diverse stakeholders. Onderstaande tabel zet uiteen wie onze stakeholders zijn en hoe we met ze in contact zijn. De stakeholders zijn ingedeeld op basis van een wetenschappelijk kader, de kolommen 'Stakeholder category' en 'Theory/constitutive groups' zijn eruit geciteerd (Seres, Maric, e.o.; IATED 2019). De lijst is opgesteld vanuit instellingsperspectief en heeft daardoor een hoog aggregatieniveau. De lijst benoemt in- en externe stakeholders en beoogt een uniform uitgangpunt te zijn zonder daarbij volledigheid na te streven.


Stakeholder category

UT/which parties are involved? (indicative, not complete (everywhere))

Theory/constitutive groups

Dialogue/how are we in contact?


Governing entities

Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW)

state government; governing board

Annual report; Accreditation; Research review; Performance and quality agreements; Transparency benchmark; also related ministries such as Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and through parties such as UNL.


University Management

EB, Faculty Boards, Supervisory Board

director (rector, dean); senior administrators

For UT internal coordination see the annex .



Academic staff & support staff

teaching and research staff; administrative staff; support staff

University Council (participation), OPUT, Academic Integrity Committee, staff research, staff portal, new staff meetings, networks such as P-nut, FFN, DJA.



Students (alumni, current, high school pupils), LLL-ers, students' parents, students at senior secondary vocational/higher vocational institutions, students at ECIU partners, companies and other (un)employed staff (LLL-ers)

students (former, current, potential); students' parents; family; tuition reimbursement providers; service and industry partners; employers; employment agencies;

Website, social media, Alumni: Campus journal, alumni portal, newsletter, meetings, UFonds, Current: University Council (participation), regular Executive Board-Student Union consultation, study associations, student portal, survey (results), Create Tomorrow, our partners' staff, ECIU XR Campus. High school: Pre-U, Open Days. LLL-er etc: annual report, Pro-U, our partners' staff.



High schools, alumni, other senior secondary vocational/higher vocational/academic institutions; ECIU partners, companies, food providers, insurance companies, utilities, contracted service providers, Ed Tech (e.g. Future learn), shared facilities providers (e.g. CERN)

high schools; alumni; other universities; food providers; insurance companies; utilities; contracted service providers;

See High school and alumni in 4; also website, social media, annual report, contact with UT/academic staff & support staff, Create Tomorrow, our partners' staff, ECIU XR Campus. Contact with providers through individual contacts.



Other higher vocational/academic institutions, 4TU partners, Ed Tech providers, institutions offering LLL products

direct (private and public providers of post-secondary education); potential (distance higher education providers; new ventures); substitutes (company training programmes);

Administrative meetings, 4TU organisation, national platforms. Contact with providers through individual contacts.



Individuals (offering (non-)financial products, e.g. grants, volunteers) among which alumni

individuals (including directors (trustees), friends, parents, alumni, employees, industry foundations);

See alumni in 4; also contact with UT/academic staff & support staff, university fund, social media, annual report.



Local residents, neighbours, alumni, former employees, Young Academies, LNVH, Scientists4future, environmental voice (quadruple helix, e.g. Greenpeace).

neighbours; school systems; social services; special interest group;

See alumni in 4; also website, annual report, Open days, Open house, National neighbours day, Protocol for events on campus/information by letter, UT participation in networks and movements.


Government regulators

Individual politicians, political parties

Regional: Municipality, Province, Regional pact, Economic Board Twente

ministry of education and research; buffer organisation; state financing agencies; research support bodies; fiscal authorities; social security; patent office;

Annual report, administrative meetings.

National: Ministry of Education, Culture and Science, Dutch National Research Agenda, Dutch Research Council, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Annual report; Accreditation; Research review; Performance and quality agreements; Transparency benchmark.

International: EU, UN, governments of other counties

Contact with UT/academic staff & support staff.


Non-government regulators

NVAO, Ranking agencies (THE, Leiden), External commissions (e.g. SBT)

foundations; accreditation bodies; supervisory institutions; sponsoring religious organisations;

Annual report, reviews, administrative meetings.



Bank, scholarship providers, investors (e.g. Cottonwood), UNL, CESAER, KIVI, 4TU (lobby), Novel-T, Kennispark, Technologiekring Twente, company days

financial intermediaries (banks, funds); professional organisations and associations; business associations (chambers of commerce; business clusters, business incubators, science and technology parks, etc.); networks (Enterprise Europe Network, European Entrepreneurs Network, etc.)

SBD services, CES/SOIR, scholarships and grants via e.g. embassies, contact with UT/academic staff & support staff, administrative meetings.


Joint venture partners

Companies, other educational institutions, etc.

Regional: Demcon, Novel-T, ROC, Saxion, Roessingh, MST, Kennispark

alliances and consortia; corporate co-sponsors of research and educational services;

Administrative meetings, annual report, website, collaboration with industry in education and research, company days, internships.

National: ASML, 4TU, VU, Apeldoorn, Zwolle, other senior secondary vocational/higher vocational/academic institutions, Young Academies, LNVH (Dutch network of woman professors)

Administrative meetings, 4TU organisation, annual report, website, contact with UT/academic staff & support staff, cooperation with industry in education and research, company days, internships, conferences

International: ASML, Canon, Thales, ECIU, CESAER, ISPs, other senior secondary vocational/higher vocational/academic partner institutions

Administrative meetings, website, contact with UT/academic staff & support staff, collaboration with industry in education and research, exchange and internships, conferences and trade fairs such as CES.



Citizens (Citizen Science), society involved in our research (techniques/development) and testing it, start-ups/spin-offs, end-users of our results

Design lab, citizen science hub, test beds, through participation in research projects.